Hello and Welcome! You are just taking a look at a new endeavor to give more information to users in efforts to make more educated decisions on which spray tips to use, in a fairly convenient video format that makes it easier to understand and visualize.
As of today (June 11, 2019), this is one of the first videos to use as a trial. Depending on the feedback of the format/layout/length, I would be able to better make additional videos, covering either simpler methods, advanced methods, or even a PRO walk-through which would be covering a lot more information, which would be useful for those applicators looking for ways to get that extra % effectiveness or efficiency.
Please take a quick look, and understand there are a whole host of different levels of understanding of spray tips, so I tried to take a middle-ground approach and keep it reasonably simple. With that in mind, this might not be the most accurate circumstances for your spray applications, but it should work as a guide what to look for when using Tip Wizard to gain the most advantage and confidence in your spray tip selection.
Wilger Industries Ltd.
Video Feedback & Wishlist
If possible, so the next video(s) are more suited to what you are looking for, consider providing a quick note of feedback (you don’t have to provide a real name/email address if you do not want to be contacted back)
From this first walk-through of Tip Wizard, I’d like to be able to get feedback for a few things, so I can make better videos that are more useful for growers.
1. Is this too advanced for you? I might opt to make a more basic walk-through as well as an advanced version (or maybe even a PRO version which has even more detail and topics covered).
2. Is the video too fast/too slow for the content?
-This might be tough, depending on your experience and knowledge about using spray tips, but I tried to provide a pretty even-ground approach covering much of lots of important info, without going too in-detail.
3. Is this video even useful for you? Is this something you’d find useful if it covered a handful of other applications? (e.g. In-crop contact herbicides, fungicides, dessicants, etc.)