Wilger Parts used with AGRIFAC Sprayers
These are a few handy adapters and tips when using Wilger nozzles on an AGRIFAC sprayer.
AGRIFAC machines have some distinct differences in the sprayer they make as well as the systems they are equipped with, which should be given special attention when selecting nozzles or using the systems.

AGRIFAC to COMBO-JET Sleeve Adapter
Part# 40205-00
The first difference is the traditional AGRIFAC nozzle body outlet. The special contoured lug connection is different than other nozzle body outlets in the industry.
To improve use of Wilger nozzles on AGRIFAC machines, Wilger developed an ultra-compact sleeve adapter that pops into any COMBO-JET nozzle to make it fit and seal on an AGRIFAC nozzle body. The cost effective sleeve adapter is Wilger part# 40205-00.
Simply pop the adapter into the cap, and it centers and seals the nozzle in the absolute most compact manner.


This adapter is used for a traditional AGRIFAC nozzle body outlet and adapts to two COMBO-JET nozzles at 30° forward and back. Nozzles still maintain 10° offset so spray patterns do not interfere with each other.
Simply using the adapter allows the user to combine different nozzles of spray qualities and rates to improve application efficiency in targeted vertical growing targets like cereal heads during fungicide, or vertical growing grass targets during herbicide applications.

AGRIFAC to Y-Splitter COMBO-JET Adapter
Part# 40213-00

Part# 40205-00 (sleeve adapter) inserted into Part# 40441-00 (double-down adapter)
Many applications that are for high flow rates and hard to reach targets (complex weed-base or plant-base) can benefit to double-down spraying, using two nozzles to split what would be generally sprayed with a single nozzle that can begin making spray that is too coarse to be effective.
The double-down adapter also provides customization to the spray qualities used, for example using a coarser spray in front and a finer spray in the back. The benefit of the double-down being that the spray doesn’t have to travel as far to hit the target, compared to an angled adapter. It would be more suitable to the travel speeds and spray rates of North American spraying, and high-volume spraying in Europe and abroad.

Spot Spraying Nozzles for AGRIFAC sprayer Spot Spraying Systems

AGRIFAC to COMBO-JET Sleeve Adapter
Part# 40205-00
The good news is that Spot Spraying Systems have been regularly adapted to AGRIFAC sprayers. The bad news is that there are often less selection of specialty nozzles designed for Spot Spraying systems to add efficacy on a very specialized spraying system.
The good news is Wilger has developed a new series of Spot Spraying Nozzles, in both a fine spray (ER series) and Drift Reduction (DX or Drift Redux Series) for a solid balance of drift control and coverage.
With adapting these nozzles to AGRIFAC nozzle body outlets, it will simply need the same sleeve adapter (#40205-00) to mount in a very cost effective and solid manner.
Often these systems are designed for 10″ (25cm) spray nozzle spacing, so often a variety of 40°, 60° or often 80° nozzles can be used depending on desired swath width for a spot sprayed target, as well as if the machine is also being used for broadcast spraying that requires consistent 100% overlap.
Spot spraying generally wants to minimize overlap to ensure maximum dose over the 10″ swath, so often 40° or 60° are commonly used. (Often with 40° nozzles side-safety spray may also be used to ensure risk of escapes is much lower)

Using Tip Wizard for AGRIFAC SSP (Strict SprayPlus)
AGRIFAC makes and develops their own spray nozzle selection tool (StrictSprayPlus Nozzle Advisor): https://www.agrifac.com/strictsprayplus-nozzle-advisor/
This nozzle selector provides useful information for nozzle selection for a very versatile spray system, given the ability of SSP’s solenoid to use Pulse Width Frequency Modulation (PWFM) to modulate the frequency and not solely the duty cycle dynamically to adapt to changing speed and flow requirements of the sprayer.
Because of the capability of the solenoid and system frequency optimization, AGRIFAC generally recommends nozzle selection to be closer to 50% duty cycle as a normal duty cycle to target, as at lower duty cycles that would generally give rise to inconsistent application with a traditional PWM system, it will simply increase the frequency to ensure speedier spraying to minimize risk of skips.
That being said, Tip Wizard is still an absolutely great tool to support using Agrifac’s nozzle advisor, filling in the gap with spray quality information as well as confirmation on variation between different nozzle series.
We recommends using all the information you possibly can to come to the best decision possible before a nozzle is purchased, using the information and data provided to make informed decisions. So, use Tip Wizard today!
Are you looking for something else? Or something more?
Get in touch with Wilger. You won’t regret it.
Get in touch with Wilger. You won’t regret it.
There are ALWAYS varying conditions or spraying situations that might need something ‘else’. Often it is something that might not exist (yet), or something that is not quite easily adapted to Wilger products.
We would request you make your request known. Often you will be surprised by our responsiveness to understand the need (as we work with sprayers, applicators, and technologies for all 12 months of the year), and love to help find a way to design the next generation of sprayers.
So, whatever the best means for you to contact us, please do:
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