The new side turret’s control module can be switched to either a left or right configuration to adjust to any interference with the boom frame or fittings.
Since each application is different, it is best to find the spray tip that suits your speed, coverage and drift control requirements, instead of picking a tip based on the series alone. Tip [...]
To help explain some of the process that should be added to your tip selection practice, follow through the following guide to learn more about the best way to pick a spray tip that matches your [...]
Nope. Simple as that. Well, not that simple, as Combo-Jet® drift reduction spray tips can provide many levels of drift control that can even exceed the drift reduction capabilities of air [...]
Los colectores ORS son un sistema de bajo peso y mínimo costo que utilizan la línea completa de productos de sellos o-ring de Wilger para cualquier aplicación con configuraciones a la medida de [...]
La válvula Terminal de Descarga de Botalón de Wilger tiene un diseño compacto y un amplio diámetro interno para maximizar el caudal y minimizar la acumulación de residuos en el botalón de la [...]
Los Caudalímetros con Esferas Visibles son una opción simple a la hora de identificar rápidamente pérdidas u obstrucciones y resolverlas de manera inmediata, logrando una aplicación tan precisa [...]