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Looking for product pricing?

Find the Product Pricing in the Wilger price list:

[+] Parts and Pricing – $CDN

[+] Parts and Pricing – $USD

Note: The above pricing is based on manufacturer suggested retail prices. Wilger products are sold exclusively to original equipment manufacturers and authorized wholesale distributors, and are available to the end user through their retail dealerships. Dealers may sell for less than manufacturer suggested retail prices.

For full terms and conditions of sale, click here.

Are you a manufacturer looking for further product support?

We welcome all original equipment manufacturers to consult Wilger during pre-engineering, engineering, and production stages of product development. For all stages of product development, Wilger has great resources when it comes to manufacturing sprayers and spray boom systems.

For high demand products, if OEMs require custom components to complete their design, Wilger may be able to manufacture those components to specifications (withsufficient production quantities).


Confidentiality and Non-disclosure agreements can be signed upon request.

Contact Wilger

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